Universidad Americana is a private institution of higher education, founded in 1992 by a group of university professors who shared a dedication to the development and improvement of higher education in Nicaragua. UAM’s campus is new and its installations are equipped with the most modern technology, including four computer labs. Since the university is still young, the library collection is not extensive; however, the collection housed at the university is extremely up-to-date and in many ways superior to other library collections in Nicaragua.

0 - 5,000 on Campus250,000+ residents in ManaguaLanguage(s) spoken on campus: English, Spanish
Nicaragua is the largest republic in Central America. The capital, Managua, is near the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Unlike other Central American capitals, it has no mountains enclosing it, allowing a gentle breeze. Nicaragua also boasts beautiful beaches, rivers, volcanoes, rain forests and mountains within reach of Managua. The university is located in the new heart of the city, el Camino de Oriente.
Summer (June - August)
Semester 2 (August - December)
Academic Year (February - December)
Semester 1 (February - June)
Full Year (August - June)
Summer (June - August)
Semester 2 (August - December)
Academic Year (February - December)
Semester 1 (February - June)
Full Year (August - June)