Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, founded in 1928, has established itself as one of the most prestigious, traditional higher educational institutions in Chile. The student body numbers over 14,000 students. The PUCV facilities include a modern library system, sport centers, specialized laboratories and recreational centers. The university runs a television channel, radio station and film storehouse.
Through the activities of its nine colleges the PUCV takes on wide, and various, areas of knowledge. These range from the arts and humanities to engineering, life sciences to education and theological studies.

Valparaíso, Chile5,000 - 20,000 on Campus250,000+ residents in ValparaísoLanguage(s) spoken on campus: SpanishThe university is distributed in different campuses and university centers located in the main cities of the Valparaíso region. The region combines beautiful weather, wonderful beaches and the splendid Cordillera de Los Andes. With a population of about one million, the region has a multicultural flavor. The city of Valparaíso is the cultural and legislative capital, and the main commercial harbor of Chile. Seventy miles from Santiago, Valparaíso fascinates visitors with its history, geography and architecture.
Two courses (February - June)
Full Year (July - July)
One Course (February - June)
Summer Session One & Two (May - July)
Service Learning Internship (February - June)
Academic Year (February - December)
Semester 1 (February - July)
Service Learning Internship + One Course (February - June)
Semester 2 (July - November)
Three Courses (February - June)
Summer Session Two (June - July)
Summer Session One (May - June)
Two courses (February - June)
Full Year (July - July)
One Course (February - June)
Summer Session One & Two (May - July)
Service Learning Internship (February - June)
Academic Year (February - December)
Semester 1 (February - July)
Service Learning Internship + One Course (February - June)
Semester 2 (July - November)
Three Courses (February - June)
Summer Session Two (June - July)
Summer Session One (May - June)