Founded in 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is a forward looking comprehensive research university with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West. CUHK teachers and students hail from all corners of the world. As a top university in Hong Kong and Asia, CUHK aims to nurture students with both specialized knowledge and wisdom for life. The education experience here is distinguished by a flexible credit unit system, a college system, bilingualism and multiculturalism.

Main Campus
Hong Kong SAR China, Hong Kong5,000 - 20,000 on Campus250,000+ residents in Hong Kong SAR ChinaLanguage(s) spoken on campus: ChineseTo fully maximize students' experience at CUHK, an array of cultural programs are organized. Cultural experience is an integral part of an exchange experience at CUHK. Cultural programs include field trips, teaching-in-China program, teaching-in-Hong Kong, Tai Chi class and more. A wide range of student-organized clubs are open for international students to join, including Chinese martial arts, photography, drama and debate clubs, etc. The more active ones are those within the academic departments and Colleges. More information will be provided within the orientation package.
Second Term (January - May)
Summer (3 Credits) (June - August)
Summer (6 Credits) (June - August)
Calendar Year (January - December)
Full Year (August - May)
First Term (August - December)
Second Term (January - May)
Summer (3 Credits) (June - August)
Summer (6 Credits) (June - August)
Calendar Year (January - December)
Full Year (August - May)
First Term (August - December)