Since 1877, Regis University has offered education that instills in students critical thinking skills, social justice values and a strong commitment to serve others. With a stunning view of the nearby Rocky Mountains in the trend-setting metropolis of Denver, Regis nurtures the life of the mind within a welcoming, inclusive environment conducive to learning and personal development. A Jesuit University, Regis offers more than 100 disciplines, small classes and personal attention from a dedicated faculty. At Regis, students from all backgrounds and faiths are put at the forefront of our professors’ work and in turn, are provided an opportunity to flourish personally, academically and professionally.

5,000 - 20,000 on Campus250,000+ residents in DenverLanguage(s) spoken on campus: English
Regis University offers international students a welcoming and inclusive environment in a vibrant, diverse urban setting. To help students feel at home, Regis pairs incoming international students with peer and faculty mentors. Many extracurricular activities are available for students to feel connected, including volunteer and service learning events, spring break service trips, on-campus fitness and health classes, and organized hiking, camping, biking and rafting trips among other excursions into the nearby Rocky Mountains. In addition, Regis offers academic clubs, affinity groups (e.g. Gender and Sexuality Alliance, International Student Alliance, Multicultural Affairs Committee, etc.) and social clubs.
Students can use their ID to use the on-campus fitness center and are eligible for two free Denver Parks & Rec Center passes per week. A variety of intramural sports are offered each semester.
Calendar Year (January - December)
Summer (June - August)
Spring Semester (January - May)
Fall Semester (August - December)
Full Year (August - May)
Calendar Year (January - December)
Summer (June - August)
Spring Semester (January - May)
Fall Semester (August - December)
Full Year (August - May)