Udayana University is listed as one of the 50 Promising Indonesian University by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The student body is around 23,000 and has the largest international student community in Indonesia. Between 700 to 1000 international students study in Udayana University every year and the number is predicted to grow as more programs are open for international classes. The university is located near the center of a tourist area in Bali, the hottest spot of Indonesia's tourist destination.

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  • Jimbaran Campus

    Denpasar, Indonesia

    The Jimbaran Campus is a beautiful green campus located at the top of a hill overlooking Southern Bali, five minutes from the beach and about 45 minutes from Bali's tourist areas.

    The main form of transportation in Bali is scooter. Everything students need is either on-campus or nearby, including well-known fast food chains, local shops and a recently built on-campus hospital.

Udayana University

Denpasar, Indonesia






Spring Semester (January - May)

Fall Semester (September - December)

Calendar Year (January - December)

Full Year (September - May)

Udayana University

Denpasar, Indonesia






Spring Semester (January - May)

Fall Semester (September - December)

Calendar Year (January - December)

Full Year (September - May)

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