Enroll in classes at the Universidad de Costa Rica, one of the top 20 universities in all of Latin America (QS University Rankings), the top research institution in Central America, and the highest-ranked university in Costa Rica. 

Founded in 1958, the program is a collaboration with long-standing ISEP Member the University of Kansas and the Universidad de Costa Rica. It is the oldest inter-university exchange of its kind in the Western Hemisphere.  The Grupo de Kansas office is located on campus close to many UCR facilities. There are with two full-time Costa Rican staff members, Zaida Ugalde, On-site Program Coordinator & Isa Alcázar, On-site Assistant Program Coordinator. Both Zaida and Isa have worked with Grupo de Kansas students since 1994!  

See All 7 Photos
  • Main Campus

    San Jose, Costa Rica

    Costa Rica is known for its natural beauty, extraordinary diversity of flora and fauna, social and political stability, high educational levels, and efficient infrastructure and services. The capital of San José is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city. It lies in the Central Valley on a plain surrounded by large forested mountain ranges, some of which include active volcanoes, green savannahs, and working coffee plantations. The UCR campus is in the safe and trendy San José neighborhood of San Pedro.


ISEP Student Services Officer Sharlene Casado Garcia 703-567-0761 | scasado@isep.org Thank you for your interest in ISEP Study Abroad! I’m your Student Services Officer and main point of contact here at ISEP. As you search for programs, I’ll be available to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me at any point in your search process for help, tips or advice.

Universidad de Costa Rica

San Jose, Costa Rica

International Office






Summer Sessions One and Two (June - July)

Early Start Fall Semester (June - December)

Carry Over (February - December)

Summer Session One (June - June)

Spring Semester (February - July)

Early Start Academic Year (June - July)

Early Start Spring Semester (January - July)

Early Start Carry Over (January - December)

Academic Year (July - July)

Fall Semester (July - December)

Early Start Academic Year (January - December)

Summer Session Two (July - July)

Universidad de Costa Rica

San Jose, Costa Rica

International Office






Summer Sessions One and Two (June - July)

Early Start Fall Semester (June - December)

Carry Over (February - December)

Summer Session One (June - June)

Spring Semester (February - July)

Early Start Academic Year (June - July)

Early Start Spring Semester (January - July)

Early Start Carry Over (January - December)

Academic Year (July - July)

Fall Semester (July - December)

Early Start Academic Year (January - December)

Summer Session Two (July - July)

{{ university.programsLength }} Programs at Universidad de Costa Rica

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ISEP Student Services Officer Sharlene Casado Garcia 703-567-0761 | scasado@isep.org Thank you for your interest in ISEP Study Abroad! I’m your Student Services Officer and main point of contact here at ISEP. As you search for programs, I’ll be available to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me at any point in your search process for help, tips or advice.