From modest beginnings as a College of Foreign Languages in 1946, Nanzan has grown into a full-fledged university with a worldwide reputation for academic excellence. Nanzan’s educational philosophy is summed up in its motto "Hominis Dignitati," a Latin phrase meaning "for human dignity." and represented in its objectives as a Catholic university: Christian spirit, academic excellence, international awareness and service to community.
Nanzan University is part of a complex of educational establishments gathered under the organizational umbrella of Nanzan Gakuen. This educational complex consists of three junior and senior high schools, and an elementary school in addition to the university. The university has eight facilities, five research institutes and four centers specializing in overseas area studies.

Nagoya Campus
Nagoya, Japan5,000 - 20,000 on Campus250,000+ residents in NagoyaLanguage(s) spoken on campus: JapaneseStudents at the Center for Japanese Studies can enjoy culturally rich activities at Nanzan University. Center students have the opportunity to tour the assembly plant of the world-famous Toyota Motors, where they can learn about the automotive industry as well as Toyota’s vehicle production and corporate management. Students can choose to spend an evening enjoying the classical Japanese art of Kabuki or an unforgettable visit to the Zen Buddhist monastery, and much more.
In the one-day bus tour, students have a chance to visit historically rich and beautiful places such as Kyoto, the Shinto shrines at Ise, Takayama, as well as other interesting places and World Heritage sites.
CJS students have many opportunities to interact with Japanese students at informal coffee hours held once or twice a month. Recently, activities have included cooking, origami, playing karuta (a Japanese card game) and international students’ introduction to their home countries and their universities.
Fall Semester (September - December)
Calendar Year (January - December)
Summer (June - July)
Full Year (September - May)
Spring Semester (January - May)
Fall Semester (September - December)
Calendar Year (January - December)
Summer (June - July)
Full Year (September - May)
Spring Semester (January - May)