Regular University Courses (in English)
Brock University is located in the city of St. Catharines, in the heart of the historic Niagara Peninsula. Surrounded by hiking paths, lakes and vineyards, Brock University is an ideal choice for students who are looking to experience a culture of tradition, adventures and natural beauty. It is also one of the few universities in the world located in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The famous Niagara Falls are only 15 minutes from campus, and students can also visit Toronto and Buffalo (U.S.) located just one hour away.
Established in 1964, Brock is a comprehensive university with strong academic programming and cutting-edge research done in world-class facilities. With more than 18,000 students in seven diverse Faculties, Brock University offers an academic experience that is designed with students' futures in mind. Alongside academics, Brock takes pride in its community outside the classroom. Students can get involved with intramurals, clubs and other extracurricular activities – and cheer on the Brock Badgers at sporting events. Brock also has a "buddy system" to help connect ISEP students with local students and adjust to life in St. Catharines!
Course Description
For an overview of the academic departments, subjects and courses offered at Brock University view the Undergraduate Calendar. Scroll down and click on the subject you are interested in studying. This will bring you to page with more information about the department and course plans for each degree. Click on a course number to jump to the course description at the bottom of the page.
To see courses offered during the particular semester you will be abroad, view the Timetables. ISEP students should select "returning students" and the fall/winter session (fall = September - December; winter = January - May) and then "show available programs." Results can be refined by a specific academic program, then click on the course name for more information. If the timetable for your session/semester is not yet available, you should use the timetable from the same session of the previous year.
Important: Please read the Undergraduate Registration and Glossary and Legend pages before selecting courses. These pages provide helpful information on how to read the timetables and undergraduate calendar and plan a sucessfull courseload at Brock University.
Brock University
Brock University was first established in 1964. Brock‘s academics is made up of six faculties which provide multiple programs and course choices for exchange students. Alongside academics, Brock takes great...
Other Academic Conditions
Students may only enroll in undergraduate level courses. Cooperative education programs, nursing and the GAME program are closed to ISEP participants.
Note that, if accepted, students will receive specific instructions from the ISEP Coordinator at Brock on how to access the university's online course registraton system.
Students enroll in a minumum of 3 courses and a maximum of 5 courses per semester. Brock usually assigns 0.5 credits to single-semester courses and 1.0 credit to full-year courses. Single-semester courses (0.5 credits) are equal to 3 U.S. credits or 6 ECTS.
Only the fall/winter session is open to ISEP students. Students may not select courses from the spring or summer sessions. Fall = September - December and Winter = January - May. In the Timetables, D1 = full year (fall/winter) courses, D2 = fall only courses and D3 = winter only courses.
Semester & Prices
Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.Semester Tuition
- Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
- Chance of Placement: {{}}
- Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
- Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
- Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}
Required Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}
Optional Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}