Agnes Scott is a women's college and can, therefore, only accept students who identify as female.

As an ISEP student, you can build your own program by choosing your courses from a variety of fields. Use the notes for course searching to help you find which courses are available.

Agnes Scott is a liberal arts college. Students are encouraged to take courses in a variety of departments and are not required only to take courses in their field of study. 

ASC is academically rigorous and is writing intensive. One hundred percent of the permanent ASC faculty have a Ph.D. degree or a terminal degree in their field, so expectations of student performance are quite high. The average class size is 15 students, so there is a high level of personal interaction between students and faculty. ISEP students have said that Agnes Scott College is academically challenging and personally rewarding. 


Residence halls have internet and laundry facilities. Washers and dryers are accessible with an ASC ID card. 

Residence hall options can be viewed at: 

Please note that although ISEP students can mention their housing preferences, they do not select where they stay. Our office of Residence Life will assign housing based on availability and class seniority. 

Students may stay on campus during vacation periods but sometimes might have to move to another residence hall. Students staying for only the Fall semester (Semester 1) must move out on the last day of benefits and cannot stay during the winter break. They will be charged a housing fee if they stay past the last day of benefits. 

Year-long students may stay throughout the winter break without additional charges.


ISEP students will be provided with the 21 Meal Plan, which includes Meal Swipes and Declining Balance dollars (credit that can be used at Mollie’s Grill and Black Cat Coffee on campus), conveniently loaded onto your Student ID card.   

**Halal and Kosher meat are not available in the dining hall.

ISEP students will be provided with a stipend ($20 a day) to cover meal costs during vacation periods within the semester when the dining hall is closed. 

Program Website

Course Description

Agnes Scott College is a historic women's college with unique course offerings amongst the hard sciences and liberal arts. Gender & Women's Studies is highly recommended for any student and includes courses such as Race, Class, and Gender; Women in the South; and Leadership, Feminism, and Religion. There is a broad array of foreign language courses, creative writing, philosophy, and psychology courses, as well. Indicate what subject and language the courses are taught in. Add content about academics or special programs you want to highlight  

ISEP students are allowed and encouraged to take part in internships, research, service learning, and volunteer opportunities during their time at Agnes Scott College. Internships are available through Academic Training with ISEP, and students are responsible for finding their own internship through Agnes Scott's Career Exploration Center. Students can inquire with professors about undergraduate research opportunities and can find volunteer opportunities through the ASC Community Service page.

Credits Earned

Students who complete the program in good standing can expect to earn 12-16 credit hours. Students typically enroll in 3-5 courses per semester. A term runs for about 15 weeks. To determine how these credits convert at your home institution, please contact your home university coordinator. 

If you use financial assistance, please speak with your home coordinator to understand your academic obligations and the requirements for using financial assistance. 

Sample Classes Available: 

English Language & Literature 

Liberal Arts & Sciences 


Gender & Women’s Studies 

Foreign Languages 

The Craft of Writing 

Schools and Society 

Developmental Psychology 

Introduction to Queer Studies 


Creative Writing - Poetry 

History of Social Theory 

Psychology of Sexual Behavior 

Leadership, Feminism and Religion 


Creative Writing - Multigenre 

Urban Lives 

Research Statistics 

Race, Class and Gender 


Queer Literature 

Comparative Black Feminisms 

Research Design and Methods 

Marriage, Sexuality and Power 


Perspectives on Literature 

African American Images in Pop Culture 

Multicultural Psychology 

Women in the New South 



For detailed instructions on how to search for all available courses, please click on the "other academic conditions" dropdown link below.

Website for Course Availability

ISEP STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER Olivia Cordero 703-504-9980 | Thank you for your interest in ISEP Study Abroad! I’m your Student Services Officer and main point of contact here at ISEP. As you search for programs, I’ll be available to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me at any point in your search process for help, tips or advice.


(in English)

*This program is OK for Sophomores

Fields of Study

  • Area Studies: Recommended!

    African Studies Asian Studies Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies, Other European Studies French Studies Gay/Lesbian Studies German Studies Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Chicano Studies Irish Studies Latin American Studies Multicultural and Diversity Studies Near and Middle Eastern Studies United States Studies Western European Studies Women’s Studies

  • Biology:

    Animal Physiology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Genetics Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography Microbiology and Immunology Neuroscience

  • Business:

    Accounting Business Communications Business Management Economics Entrepreneurship Finance International Business/Trade/Commerce Organizational Behavior Studies

  • Communication:

    Digital Communication and Media Speech Communication and Rhetoric

  • English Language and Literature: Recommended!

    American Literature (United States) English Literature (British and Commonwealth) General Literature Professional/Technical Writing Rhetoric and Composition Writing

  • Foreign Languages and Literatures: Recommended!

    Ancient/Classical Greek Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Comparative Literature French Language and Literature German Language and Literature Japanese Language and Literature Latin Language and Literature Spanish Language and Literature

  • Health Sciences:

    Health and Wellness Public Health

  • History:

    American History (United States) Ancient Studies/Civilizations Asian History European History History, Other Holocaust and Related Studies Medieval and Renaissance Studies

  • International/Global Studies:

    International Relations and Affairs Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution

  • Law/Criminal Justice

    Business Law

  • Liberal Arts and Sciences Recommended!


  • Mathematics


  • Natural Resources/Conservation:

    Environmental Science Sustainability Studies

  • Philosophy and Religious Studies

  • Physical Sciences

  • Psychology: Recommended!

    Behavioral Sciences Biopsychology Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics Developmental and Child Psychology Educational Psychology Industrial and Organizational Psychology

  • Social Sciences:

    Anthropology Human Development and Family Studies Political Science and Government Sociology Urban Studies

  • Visual and Performing Arts:

    Acting Art History Art Studies Dance Design and Visual Communications Digital Arts Drama and Theatre Arts Drawing Film Studies Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other Graphic Design Industrial and Product Design Interior Design Music Performance Music Theory and Composition Photography Sculpture Studio Arts Voice and Opera

Academic Requirements

  • TOEFL iBT Score: 80
  • IELTS Score: 7
  • LPR accepted as alternate to TOEFL or IELTS
  • LPR Writing Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Reading Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Listening Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Speaking Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
LPR = ISEP Language Proficiency Report

Special Application Instructions

Course Prerequisite

For all areas of study, some courses may have prerequisites that must be completed before enrollment in a course. Please speak to your ISEP Student Services Officer for course questions.

Internal Application

Students will be expected to submit a supplemental application which is required of the host institution for the purpose of admission and enrollment. 

Once confirmed and accepted on the ISEP portal, students should receive emails from their host ISEP coordinator regarding internal applications and forms.

It is important to complete all internal forms in a timely manner, as this affects course registration.

Special Needs Accommodations

Agnes Scott College has certain services available to students with reasonable accommodation requests. In general, learning, hearing, visual, mobility, dietary, and mental health accommodations can be arranged. Students should speak with their ISEP Student Services Officer in advance to request if specific accommodations can be arranged.

Special Needs Support

  • Mental Health
  • Mobility
  • Hearing
  • Visual
  • Learning

Other Academic Conditions


How to search for courses

• To search for courses, visit the AscAgnes website and select "Search for Sections" (under "Registration").  

• Then select the appropriate term from the dropdown menu as well as one or more subjects you wish to study. 

• The Majors and Minors have the course offerings listed on each page.

• Use the website for course availability link below to go through the academic catalogs for each year.

Academic limitations

• Exchange students may not enroll in senior seminars.

• Applied music and some science courses may have additional fees.

• Most visual art courses are difficult to get into and students will need to have a lot of flexibility with their course list in this area.

• ISEP Students are not permitted to enroll in graduate-level courses.

Academic Calendar 

Typical Fall Schedule: August through December

•  Pre-Session: Mid-August  

• Exams: Early December

Typical Spring Schedule:

• Arrival and orientation: early January

• Final Exams: Late April/Early May 

Departure Notes

Students are responsible for staying until the end of the semester and may not leave before the final date of their semester exams. Neither ISEP nor Agnes Scott College can guarantee an early departure; leaving early may result in a failing exam grade and/or forfeit of credit. Final exams cannot be taken remotely.

PASSPORT: All students must have a valid passport to participate in this program. If you do not have a valid passport, we suggest you start the application process as soon as possible.

VISA: All non-U.S. citizens will be required to obtain a visa. For more information on the process and estimated cost, please review the ISEP Country Handbook here

Semester & Prices (based on your filters)

Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.

Loading Semester Data...

Semester Tuition

  • Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
  • Chance of Placement: {{}}
  • Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
  • Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
  • Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}

Required Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} , accommodates dependents {{plan.housingPlan.url}}

Optional Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} {{plan.housingPlan.url}}
{{}} ,

Agnes Scott College



Select a Semester

Total: US$0



{{}} Options

Housing (Estimate) TBD Home University Housing Price (Included) Options

Meals (Estimate) Home University Meals Price Options

{{addonType}} US${{programScheduleCollection.selectedSchedule.selectedAddonDisplaySums[addonType]}} (Estimate) Options

ISEP Application Fee US$100

ISEP Acceptance Fee US$450


Program Deadlines
Chances of Placement: {{}}
Program added.View application
Program saved.View all
{{ programScheduleCollection.Message }}