Study in Mexico (in English, Spanish)
• Live in Monterrey, known as the “city of mountains”, where there is always a concert, museum, or picturesque hike to enjoy.
• Universidad de Monterrey offers a unique model of liberal arts education that includes co-curricular activities, integrated internships, community service and volunteering opportunities.
• UDEM is a community united by the common aspiration of contributing to the construction of a sustainable society through knowledge and the spirit of service.
• Develop lifelong relationships among peers by diving into an active student body where there are ample opportunities to participate in student organizations and community service.
One of the best places to live in Mexico, Monterrey is surrounded by stunning deserts and mountains! Public transportation makes it easy to travel from campus to the city center to experience the vast cultural offerings, including beautiful modern colonial architecture and the taste of mouth-watering cabritos.
Live in a shared dorm room in a residence hall alongside other international students located within five minutes of campus! Access residential workout facilities, lush “green areas” filled with gardens, tutoring services, and communal areas to meet new people to play a game of foosball or billiards.
Stop by a nearby supermarket and enjoy cooking a meal alongside new friends at the shared kitchen facilities in the residential hall. After class, explore the foodie scene of Monterrey and sample frijoles con veneno, machaca, or chile piquín. Cabrito (baby goat) is Mexico’s most typical and famous dish—a must try!
Take in the beauty of Monterrey by going on an organized hike with community members to Cerro de la Silla. Embrace the campus community by joining one of the many student sports, music, cooking, or student government clubs! Connect with local peers through an established buddy program to get an inside perspective on Mexican culture and daily life. Expand experiential learning through service learning, internship and volunteer programs that promote community engagement and cross-cultural understanding.
Visit the plaza in the city center to take in historic buildings, tranquil gardens, and the Mexican History Museum! Monterrey is a hub for budget airlines providing easy access to explore any bucket list locations throughout Mexico.
Volunteer & Intern
Delve further into the community by participating in a social service project organized by UDEM to gain a better understanding of the realities in Mexico. Internships are also available for fields of study such as Business or Health Sciences to gain hands-on professional experience.
What We Love About Monterrey
UDEM offers ample opportunities to explore the natural and cultural beauty of Monterrey! Gain an intimate understanding of the local daily life and social issues alongside a globally engaged community of staff and peers.
Course Description
UDEM offers a variety of subjects taught in Spanish and English including art and design, business (AACSB accredited), social sciences, health sciences, engineering and international relations. One Spanish as a second language class is also included in ISEP benefits. Students may also enroll in a Spanish language pre-session course for an additional fee. To help get you started, the chart below highlights some of the more popular classes students have taken at UDEM in the past.
Credits Earned
Students who complete the program in good standing can expect to earn 24-30 UDEM credits which ISEP recommends is the equivalent of 12-15 U.S. Credit Hours. Each course will be worth 6 UDEM credits (3 US credits).
If you use financial aid, please speak with a qualified financial aid advisor to understand your academic obligations and the requirements for using financial aid.
Sample Classes Available:
International/Global Studies in English |
Business in English |
North American Studies Seminar |
Integrated Marketing Communcation |
World Politics |
Social Entrepreneurship |
Political Geography |
Business Management |
International Negotiations |
Market Research |
Other Academic Conditions
Students arrive: First week of January, Last week of July
Classes start: Second week of January, First week of August
Classes end: Last week of May, Third week of November
Exams: Mid to Late May, End of November to Beginning of December
Tips for Finding Courses:
To view regular university courses in Spanish, start at the main UDEM page, click the 'Estudia' option on the top bar and select the from the list of Facultades. Once on the specific Facultad page, scroll down and select from the various 'Programas' that are offered. Be sure to sort by 'Carreras' if you are looking for undergraduate courses. Select the Carrera you are interested in taking classes in and navigate to the 'Plan de Estudios'. Select the 'Comenzar Simulación' option, if possible, to see an interactive version of the 'Plan de Estudios'.
The 'Plan de Estudios' is the academic plan for the specific degree. It will show all of the classes that a student studying this degree will take, based on semester and year of the program. Courses offered during odd numbered terms (primero, tercero, quinto, etc.) are offered during the Fall semester, and courses offered during even numbered terms (segundo, cuarto, sexto, etc.) are offered in the Spring. Click on the name of the course for a brief description including prerequisites, credits, and the course code.
Not all degree program webpages look alike on the UDEM website. If you are having any difficulty finding a degree program or courses, please contact your SSO for assistance.
Students may take courses in English at UDEM as part of their course load. Review the Courses in English Spring 2024 for a general idea of the English courses available. Available courses may vary semester to semester, but generally remain the same.
All students must submit a Spanish Language Evaluation with their ISEP application.
Students taking courses in Spanish must have at least a B1 level in Spanish.
In order to navigate daily life in Mexico, is strongly recommended that even students taking all of their courses in English attend the Spanish language pre-session and/or have at least one semester of Spanish at the university level (A1 or A2 level). Non-native English speakers taking courses in English must comply with the English language requirements indicated above.
Students are required to take a Spanish proficiency test upon arrival to determine the appropriate level for their Spanish as a second language class (if applicable). The host institution ultimately determines your proficiency level and course eligibility.
Semester & Prices (based on your filters)
Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.Semester Tuition
- Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
- Chance of Placement: {{}}
- Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
- Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
- Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}
Required Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}
Optional Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}