•   Study in Thessaloniki, an ancient city on the Aegean Sea, near world-class beaches and famous historic sites

•   A great fit for students looking to fulfill major requirements and electives, ACT offers coursework in English in business, computer science, humanities, and social sciences

•   Explore Athens and Delphi on an included two-night trip, visit the Macedonian Royal Tombs on an included day trip, and join optional activities like hiking, sailing, and scuba diving


Excursions & Cultural Experiences 

Experience hassle-free travel around Greece alongside your ACT classmates! Trips include a two-night excursion to Athens, visits to nearby UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Royal Tombs of the Macedonian dynasty in Vergina and the monasteries of Meteora, and opportunities to explore your host city of Thessaloniki. Students may also join optional activities including hikes on Mt. Olympus, an afternoon of relaxation at the Pozar hot springs or sailing around the Aegean Sea on a private sailboat. 

Housing & Meals

Students live in off-campus dormitories near downtown Thessaloniki and a short bus ride from the ACT campus. The housing locations are well served by the city’s public bus system, and ACT also provides a basic bus service to and from campus once per day. An ACT Residence Assistant (RA) resides at each housing location and is there to help students settle in and get to know Thessaloniki by organizing outings and planning activities. Meals are not included. Students will have access to grocery stores, cooking facilities, and a multitude of dining options with affordable meal choices.

Explore Thessaloniki

For the student seeking a unique study abroad site in Greece, Thessaloniki is the "road less taken," a culturally intact city, small, diverse, youthful, at the crossroads of east and west and the gateway to Southeastern Europe. From the beautiful sandy beaches and crystal clear blue waters of the Chalkidiki peninsula, to the snow covered ski resorts and challenging mountain treks, diverse natural wonders are all within a short trip away. Thessaloniki is ideally located to offer the best of both worlds. Most importantly, Thessaloniki is a lively university town with well over 100,000 university students, a vibrant city that invites and welcomes young people from all over the world.

See ISEP Direct budget and estimated expenses

Course Description

Standard courses grant 3 U.S. credits each, unless otherwise noted. Students should select the appropriate number of courses they intend to take abroad when adding this 5-week program to their application.

Students should be aware of per credit cost differences if they wish to take a course load other than 3 or 6 U.S. credits, and should contact their Student Services Officer if interested. 

Summer 2025 Tentative Course Offerings

Course Descriptions



Social Sciences 


Business & Marketing 


Technology & Science 

Art 130: Introduction to Photography, from the Analog to Digital Era 

Anthropology 215: Methods and Practices of Archaeological Excavation 

(5 credits) 

Economics 102: Introductory Microeconomics 

Computer Science 115: Introduction to Structured Programming with C++ programming Language 

Art History 220: Ancient Greek Art and Architecture 

Psychology 204: Social Psychology 

Finance 201: Financial Management 

Exercise Physiology 300 

(4 credits) 

History 232: Thessaloniki: A City and its Inhabitants 

Psychology 205: Research Methods and Statistics 

Marketing 324: E-Marketing 

130 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition 

(4 credits) 

Humanities 120: Understanding Greek Life and Culture 

Psychology 310: Organizational Psychology 


Mathematics 210: Differential Equations 

Philosophy 203: Ethics 



Sea Sail 101: Introduction to Sea Sailing

ISEP STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER Grace Glancy 703-504-9975 | Thank you for your interest in ISEP Study Abroad! I’m your Student Services Officer and main point of contact here at ISEP. As you search for programs, I’ll be available to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me at any point in your search process for help, tips or advice.

American College of Thessaloniki

For the student seeking a unique study abroad site in Greece, the American College of Thessaloniki is ideal. Thessaloniki is the "road less taken," a culturally intact city, small, diverse,...


(in English)

*This program is OK for Sophomores

Fields of Study

  • Area Studies Recommended!

    Area Studies, Other

  • Business:

    Economics Finance Marketing

  • Computer and Information Sciences Recommended!

  • Engineering

    Robotics, and Automation Engineering

  • Health Sciences

    Nutrition Sciences

  • History: Recommended!

    Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies and Archaeology Ancient Studies/Civilizations

  • International/Global Studies

  • Liberal Arts and Sciences


  • Mathematics

  • Philosophy and Religious Studies:

    Ethics Philosophy

  • Psychology Recommended!

  • Social Sciences


  • Visual and Performing Arts:

    Art History Photography

Academic Requirements

  • U.S. GPA: 2.75 or higher
  • LPR Required
  • LPR not required for the following countries: Australia Canada United Kingdom United States
  • LPR accepted as alternate to TOEFL or IELTS
  • LPR Writing Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Reading Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Listening Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Speaking Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
LPR = ISEP Language Proficiency Report

Special Needs Support

  • Mental Health
  • Learning

Other Academic Conditions

All credits and grades are issued in U.S. credits. Students should be aware of per credit cost differences if they wish to take a course load other than 3 or 6 U.S. credits, and should contact their Student Services Officer if interested.

Tuition pricing per credit Summer 2025 (price of housing does not change):

3 U.S. Credits = $5,055

4 U.S. Credits = $5,555

5 U.S. Credits = $6,055

6 U.S. Credits = $6,555

7 U.S. Credits = $7,055

8 U.S. Credits = $7,555

Syllabi available upon request

Semester & Prices (based on your filters)

Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.

Loading Semester Data...

Semester Tuition

  • Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
  • Chance of Placement: {{}}
  • Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
  • Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
  • Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}

Required Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} , accommodates dependents {{plan.housingPlan.url}}

Optional Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} {{plan.housingPlan.url}}
{{}} ,

American College of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, Greece



Select a Semester

Total: US$0



{{}} Options

Housing (Estimate) TBD Home University Housing Price (Included) Options

Meals (Estimate) Home University Meals Price Options

{{addonType}} US${{programScheduleCollection.selectedSchedule.selectedAddonDisplaySums[addonType]}} (Estimate) Options

ISEP Application Fee US$100

ISEP Acceptance Fee US$450


Program Deadlines
Chances of Placement: {{}}
Program added.View application
Program saved.View all
{{ programScheduleCollection.Message }}