Study in Finland (in English) - ISEP Exchange
Programme description - flexible course completion methods
Tampere University offers a diverse range of courses in English with flexible completion methods. Exchange students can choose from bachelor’s and master’s level courses. Our course list includes many self-study options that can be completed at any time, as well as traditional lectures held during four different teaching periods. Be sure to check the completion options and the teaching periods for each course.
- Teaching periods I-II are in the autumn semester (August - December)
- Teaching periods III-IV are in the spring semester (January - May)
Please see the Exchange studies at Tampere University website for our internal application instructions (which has to be completed beside your ISEP application).
Tampere University has three campuses
Tampere University offers three campuses for ISEP students: city centre, Kauppi, and Hervanta. Each campus specialises in different faculties. ISEP students should primarily choose courses from one campus and study field to avoid schedule conflicts, but they can also take some courses from the other two campuses. In some study fields, there are more independent study (self-study) courses available, which do not include traditional lectures. Learning is typically assessed through essays and one exam, with exam dates varying by field. Independent studies and electronic exams are quite common.
Student housing is always off-campus
ISEP students are typically accommodated in TOAS student housing, either near the city centre campus or Hervanta campus. TOAS offers private rooms with some shared facilities. After admission to Tampere University, students will receive detailed information about their specific housing location. While ISEP students can be housed in any TOAS location, they will most likely stay close to the campus they have been admitted to.
Meals - Finnish buffet lunches in campus restraurants for less than 3 euros
All ISEP students will receive a meal stipend based on the cost of living for students in Tampere, which they can use to purchase groceries and cook meals in shared facilities. The stipend will be disbursed into your personal bank account from your home country. The bank account has to be on student's name. Please note that this can take a few weeks, so students should be prepared with funding for meals and start-up costs during that time until the stipend can be disbursed. Students will be expected to budget for their meals accordingly, and can ask their ISEP Student Services Coordinator for tips, as well as check out ISEP's resources for Budgeting for Study Abroad. A student lunch at Tampere University will cost you only around three euros at campus restaurants!
Course Description
You can search for teaching and courses available at Tampere University via the Curriculum. When browsing courses, please use the filter Target Group: Exchange Students to find courses that are open for exchange students. You should note, that our courses might have several completion options (including exam only, fully online and self-study courses). For each course and completion option, you should also check the language of instruction and the required prerequisites (if any). Course units have multiple filters that allow users to easily achieve their preferred results.
- Teaching periods I-II are in the autumn semester (August - December)
- Teaching periods III-IV are in the spring semester (January - May)
For more information on how to prepare your preliminary study plan and restrictions, see Courses for exchange students at Tampere University.
Other Academic Conditions
Qualified 3rd and 4th year undergraduate (bachelor's level) students are eligible to take graduate (master's) level courses at Tampere University. These courses are marked in the Curriculum as 'advanced studies'.
Please see our basic instructions on studying on Courses for exchange students at Tampere University and our internal application instructions and deadlines on How to apply for exchange studies at Tampere University. The in-depth information for exchange students: Student's Guide - Incoming exchange students.
Passport: All students must have a valid passport to participate in this programme. If you do not have a valid passport, we suggest you start the application process as soon as possible.
Residence permit for studies: Students attending this programme from the non-EU countries will be required to obtain a residence permit for studies. For more information on the process and estimated cost, please review the ISEP Country Handbook and Residence permit for exchange students from the Tampere University's Student's Guide.
Semester & Prices (based on your filters)
Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.Semester Tuition
- Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
- Chance of Placement: {{}}
- Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
- Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
- Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}
Required Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}
Optional Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}