Study in Buenos Aires (in English, Spanish) - ISEP Exchange
• Live in the sophisticated and dynamic metropolis of Buenos Aires, famous for its indulgent cuisine, landmarks, and vibrant nightlife with an incomparable tango scene.
• USAL is characterized by the personalized education it provides its students, offering a variety of courses in Spanish and English.
• Join a student body welcoming over 500 international students each year with an established buddy system to help with the transition to life in Buenos Aires.
• Experience daily Argentinian culture and enhance Spanish language skills by taking classes with local students and living with a Porteño host family in the community.
Engage in the multicultural and hospitable city of Buenos Aires, named the best city in the Spanish-speaking world for international students! Embrace new adventures around every corner of a bustling city that is home to over 13 million people.
Gain an in-depth understanding of Argentinian life while living in a single bedroom in a homestay with a local family. Develop lifelong cross-cultural relationships with your household while having ample opportunities to strengthen your Spanish language abilities.
Enjoy traditional meals prepared by the host family with breakfast and dinner provided daily. Explore the indulgent foodie scene Buenos Aires has to offer by sampling asado, bife de chorizo, empanadas, and dulce de leche! Complement your meal with Argentina’s world-famous yerba mate drinks.
Adapt with the support of peers at Universidad del Salvador through the buddy system, where local buddies will organize cultural activities and outings with their international partner! The Buenos Aires government also offers over 20 outings for international students each term! Enjoy a visit to the stunning Teatro Colon, Japanese gardens, or the old port area. For a more active way to live like a local, take a cooking class, attend a fútbol match, or learn to tango in the streets where this style of dance was invented!
Live in the major metropolis of Buenos Aires with quick access to trains, buses, and airports to explore the wonder of Argentina at large! Spend the weekend visiting the breath-taking regions of Mendoza, Ushuaia, or Patagonia to be surrounded in natural beauty while expanding cultural horizons throughout Argentina.
Deepen community ties through volunteer opportunities available through USAL's department of 'Bienestar Estudiantil', and the Study Buenos Aires program.
What We Love About Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires itself is a lively city filled with incredible cultural attractions and things to do involving music, dancing, art, restaurants, theatre, sports, and food! USAL has a lot of activities and organizations to take part in, so there is never a shortage of things to do.
See ISEP Direct budget and estimated expenses
Course Description
USAL is characterized by the personalized education it provides its students. The university welcomes over 500 international students each year and offers a variety of courses in Spanish and English. Featured classes in Spanish include business, communications, social sciences, design, education and languages. English classes include international relations, political science, and communications. Be sure to take advantage of the variety of classes about the culture of Argentina and the Spanish language classes. Use the chart below to see what past students have taken during their studies at USAL to get you started.
Credits Earned
Students who complete the program in good standing can expect to take 4-5 classes which ISEP recommends is the equivalent of 15-18 U.S. Credit Hours. Each course will be worth 4-5 credits.
If you use financial aid, please speak with a qualified financial aid advisor to understand your academic obligations and the requirements for using financial aid.
Sample Classes Available:
Area Studies |
Political Science |
Psychology |
Central American Independence and Modernization |
Semiotic Area of Culture |
Classical Political Thouoght |
Human Development |
Linguistic Anthropology |
Literature Area |
Comparative Political Systems |
Psychological Foundations of Normal and Abnormal Behavior |
Sociocultural Identities |
Educational Communication Area |
Theory and Constitutional Law |
Individual and Group Auto psychotherapy |
Spanish Syntax |
Linguistics |
History of International Relations |
Social Psychology |
Click the Website for Course Availability link for regular courses in Spanish. See the Other Academic Conditions section below for information on courses in English, culture courses, and Spanish Language courses.
Other Academic Conditions
Students arrive: First week of March, Last week of July
Classes start: First week of March, First week of August
Classes end: Last week of June, Third week of November
Exams: Varies by Semester
Tips for Finding Courses:
Students can expect to take 4-5 classes. A full course load at USAL is considered 5 courses. A typical student spends about 20 hours per week in the classroom. Students may “mix and match” courses from the different areas, provided they meet the language requirements.
Tips for finding regular courses in Spanish:
1. View the list of degree programs. Scroll down to see all departments (Facultades) and degree programs (Carreras) offered nested under each Facultad.
2. Select the degree program by clicking its name.
3. To see the courses offered in that degree, select the Plan de Estudios drop-down tab. Courses marked with an 'A' are year-long courses and courses marked with a 'C' are semester-long. Typically, course syllabi aren't immediate available online. If you need to access course syllabi for a pre-approval process, please contact your SSO.
4. Remember that USAL operates on the southern hemisphere academic calendar. The first semester runs March - June and the second semester runs July - December.
Courses Taught in English - Webpage will be updated soon for Spring 2025 term, see Regular Courses in Foreign Languages Spring 2025 document for the definitive offerings in English while wepbage is being updated.
All students must submit a Language Evaluation for Spanish with their ISEP application. Students must have a B2 level of Spanish to take regular university courses in Spanish. Students with an A2 or B1 level may take courses in English, courses on Argentine culture, and Spanish as a second language course only.
The faculty of medicine is closed to ISEP students.
Semester & Prices (based on your filters)
Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.Semester Tuition
- Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
- Chance of Placement: {{}}
- Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
- Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
- Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}
Required Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}
Optional Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}