Located only 45 minutes outside of Kuala Lumpur, the Sultan Idris Education University offers a wonderful opportunity for immersion in Malaysian culture while still providing access to the big city. As a teacher-training university, UPSI offers a broad range of courses in English and the surrounding geographical area makes it ideal for outdoor sports such as mountain biking, kayaking, canoeing and white water rafting on local rivers and reservoirs.

Read a story by an ISEP student who studied abroad at Sultan Idris Education University. Learn about how another student adjusted to Malayia's climate and culture.

Program Website

Course Description

As part of UPSI's internationalization plan, faculty will teach any course that international students register for either bilingually or in English. This gives students access to a wide variety of courses throughout UPSI's curriculum. Some classes may be taught in Malay with English support from the faculty, and classes more geared toward international students will be taught entirely in English. Independent study and examinations can be arranged in most fields when no English-taught classes are available.

UPSI is dedicated to providing a well-balanced educational experience. They are particularly strong in Education, Agricultural Science, Arts, Music and Performing Arts, Science, Languages and Sports. They offer many unique courses, including: Batik, Pottery, Islamic Studies, Whitewater Rafting and Traditional Dance. Because UPSI is an education university, most of its courses will bear a teacher-training component.

Students typically enroll in 5-8 classes per term, which averages to 15-18 hours in class per week. A term runs for 17 weeks.

Website for Course Availability

ISEP STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER Jacki D'Amico 703-504-9977 | JDAmico@isep.org Thanks for your interest in ISEP Study Abroad! I’m your Student Services Officer and main point of contact here at ISEP. As you search for programs, I'll be available to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me at any point in your search process for help, tips or advice.


(in English)

*This program is OK for Sophomores

Fields of Study

  • Agriculture:

    Agricultural Economics Agricultural Mechanization Agronomy and Crop Science Animal Husbandry Animal Sciences Horticulture Operations Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management Soil Sciences

  • Biology Recommended!

  • Business: Recommended!

    Accounting Business Management Economics Entrepreneurship Finance Human Resources Management

  • Communication:

    Advertising Journalism Mass Communication/Media Studies Public Relations

  • Computer and Information Sciences:

    Computer and IT Support Services Computer Applications Programming Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications Web Page/Multimedia Design

  • Education:

    Agricultural Teacher Education Early Childhood Education Physical Education Teaching and Coaching Special Education Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language

  • Engineering:

    Computer Software Engineering Manufacturing Engineering

  • English Language and Literature

    General Literature

  • Foreign Languages and Literatures: Recommended!

    Arabic Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other Hindi Language and Literature Indonesian/Malay Languages and Literatures

  • History:

    Asian History History, Other

  • Mathematics Recommended!

  • Physical Sciences: Recommended!

    Chemistry Physics

  • Psychology Recommended!

  • Social Sciences:

    Cartography/GIS Geography

  • Sports Studies

    Sports Studies

  • Visual and Performing Arts:

    Acting Apparel and Textiles Art History Art Studies Ceramics Dance Drama and Theatre Arts Drawing Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other Game and Interactive Media Design Graphic Design Interior Design Metal and Jewelry Arts Music Pedagogy Music Performance Music Technology Music Theory and Composition Painting Photography Sculpture Studio Arts Voice and Opera

Academic Requirements

  • U.S. GPA: 2.75 or higher
  • TOEFL iBT Score: 79
  • Institutional TOEFL Score: 550
  • IELTS Score: 6
  • LPR Required
  • LPR accepted as alternate to TOEFL or IELTS
  • LPR Writing Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Reading Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Listening Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Speaking Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
LPR = ISEP Language Proficiency Report

Special Application Instructions

Some music and arts applicants may need to undergo auditions or tests might be required for Music and Arts applicants.

Other Academic Conditions

PASSPORT: All students must have a valid passport to participate in this program. If you do not have a valid passport, we suggest you start the application process as soon as possible.

VISA/RESIDENCE PERMIT: Most students attending this program will be required to obtain a visa/residence permit. For more information on the process and estimated cost, please review the ISEP Country Handbook here.

Semester & Prices (based on your filters)

Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.

Loading Semester Data...

Semester Tuition

  • Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
  • Chance of Placement: {{schedule.chancesOfPlacement.name}}
  • Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
  • Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
  • Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}

Required Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} , accommodates dependents {{plan.housingPlan.url}}

Optional Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} {{plan.housingPlan.url}}
{{plan.name}} ,

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris



Select a Semester

Total: US$0



{{child.childProgram.name}} Options

Housing (Estimate) TBD Home University Housing Price (Included) Options

Meals (Estimate) Home University Meals Price Options

{{addonType}} US${{programScheduleCollection.selectedSchedule.selectedAddonDisplaySums[addonType]}} (Estimate) Options

ISEP Application Fee US$100

ISEP Acceptance Fee US$450


Program Deadlines
Chances of Placement: {{programScheduleCollection.selectedSchedule.chancesOfPlacement.name}}
Program added.View application
Program saved.View all
{{ programScheduleCollection.Message }}