Study in Finland - Scandinavian Studies (in English) - ISEP Exchange
The Scandinavian Studies is an introductory level programme that is designed to give the participants a broad overview of Scandinavian history, culture and everyday life. Upon completing the programme, students will be able to identify various aspects of Finnish and Scandinavian culture, history, literature and everyday life.
Participants include both Finnish and international students from different countries. This provides an excellent opportunity for intercultural interactions with students from different cultures and backgrounds.
More information about the programme:
Course Description
683780P Survival Finnish, 5 ECTS
683708P Saami Culture, 5 ECTS
683786P Introduction to Finnish History, 5 ECTS
683782P Nordic Mythology, 5 ECTS
683784P Scandinavian Literature, 5 ECTS
687242A Economic and Environmental Anthropology, 5 ECTS
683787P Optional course, 5 ECTS
683781P Scandinavian Prehistory, 5 ECTS
683783P Finnish Literature, 5 ECTS
683717P Anthropology of Finland, 5 ECTS
683789P Arctic and Nordic Perspecitives on Sustainable Development, 5 ECTS
683719P Language in Society, 5 ECTS
683787P Optional course, 5 ECTS
(Information as in 2021-2022)
University of Oulu
The University of Oulu was founded in 1958, and has since grown rapidly, establishing itself as one of the leading universities in Finland. The university prides itself on high quality...
Other Academic Conditions
PASSPORT: All students must have a valid passport to participate in this program. If you do not have a valid passport, we suggest you start the application process as soon as possible.
VISA/RESIDENCE PERMIT: Most students attending this program will be required to obtain a visa/residence permit. For more information on the process and estimated cost, please review the ISEP Country Handbook here.
Semester & Prices (based on your filters)
Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.Semester Tuition
- Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
- Chance of Placement: {{}}
- Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
- Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
- Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}
Required Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}
Optional Expenses
University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}