Universidad Católica del Norte’s main campus is located in Antofagasta, an important mining town and economic hub that enjoys some of the highest standards of living in Chile. The nearby Atacama Desert is a popular attraction, and the dry climate makes for perfect stargazing conditions year-round. The region also boasts beautiful white sand beaches with clear, calm water. For more traditional charm, the Barrio Histórico provides relaxing plazas surrounded by Victorian and Georgian architecture. Modern high-rise building and commercial centers also provide a variety of urban amenities.

Founded in 1956, Universidad Católica del Norte is dedicated to the development of individuals, society and cultural heritage in Chile. As a Catholic university, its values are based on the principles of Christian Humanism including liberty, truth and justice. The university has two campuses, the main campus in Antofagasta and the Gauyacan campus located in Coquimbo. Due to its location, the Antofagasta campus is especially well known for its architecture and engineering programs, especially mining engineering. UCN has been ranked as the 112th best university in Latin America by QS World University Rankings!

ISEP students immerse themselves in Chilean culture and daily life by taking university classes with local students and living with a homestay family in the community. The university has an active student body, and ISEP students can participate in sports teams, cultural activities and student groups. UCN also has a "buddy system" to help connect ISEP students with local students and adjust to life in Antofagasta!

Watch this video to learn more about daily life at Universidad Católica del Norte.

Program Website

Course Description

Courses are taught entirely in Spanish alongside local students. One Spanish as a second language course is also included in ISEP benefits. Students may also choose to enroll in a Spanish language pre-session course for an additional fee.  

Tips for finding courses:

1. View the list of degree programs at each campus.

2. Click on the subject at Antofagasta, then on "malla curricular."

3. Courses in odd-numbered semesters (primer, tercer, quinto, septimo, etc.) are offered March – July. Courses in even-numbered semesters (segundo, cuarto, sexto, octavo, etc.) are offered July – December. 

Website for Course Availability

ISEP STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER Sharlene Casado Garcia 703-567-0761 | scasado@isep.org Thank you for your interest in ISEP Study Abroad! I’m your Student Services Officer and main point of contact here at ISEP. As you search for programs, I’ll be available to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me at any point in your search process for help, tips or advice.


(in Spanish)

*This program is OK for Sophomores

Fields of Study

  • Architecture

  • Business: Recommended!

    Accounting Business Management Finance

  • Education:

    Elementary Education Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language

  • Engineering: Recommended!

    Agricultural Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Software Engineering Environmental Engineering Geological/Geophysical Engineering Industrial Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining and Mineral Engineering

  • Health Sciences


  • Human Services

    Public Administration

  • Law/Criminal Justice

  • Mathematics

  • Physical Sciences: Recommended!

    Astronomy Chemistry Geochemistry and Petrology Geology/Earth Science Physics

Academic Requirements

  • U.S. GPA: 2.75 or higher
  • LPR Required
  • LPR Writing Score: B1 - Intermediate High
  • LPR Reading Score: B1 - Intermediate High
  • LPR Listening Score: B1 - Intermediate High
  • LPR Speaking Score: B1 - Intermediate High
LPR = ISEP Language Proficiency Report

Special Needs Support

  • Mental Health
  • Learning

Other Academic Conditions

Students may only take classes from one campus (Antofagasta or Coquimbo) due to the large distance between the two. 

Semester & Prices (based on your filters)

Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.

Loading Semester Data...

Semester Tuition

  • Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
  • Chance of Placement: {{schedule.chancesOfPlacement.name}}
  • Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
  • Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
  • Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}

Required Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} , accommodates dependents {{plan.housingPlan.url}}

Optional Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} {{plan.housingPlan.url}}
{{plan.name}} ,

Universidad Católica del Norte



Select a Semester

Total: US$0



{{child.childProgram.name}} Options

Housing (Estimate) TBD Home University Housing Price (Included) Options

Meals (Estimate) Home University Meals Price Options

{{addonType}} US${{programScheduleCollection.selectedSchedule.selectedAddonDisplaySums[addonType]}} (Estimate) Options

ISEP Application Fee US$100

ISEP Acceptance Fee US$450


Program Deadlines
Chances of Placement: {{programScheduleCollection.selectedSchedule.chancesOfPlacement.name}}
Program added.View application
Program saved.View all
{{ programScheduleCollection.Message }}