Take courses in either English or German at this modern, campus-based University in the high-tech city of Linz, the third-largest in Austria. One of the European Capitals of Culture, Linz offers modern museums, research facilities and front-row views of the Danube River. 


ISEP students will be housed in student dormitories in Linz, usually in Julius Raab Heim. The JKU International Office arranges accommodation for Exchange students. View accommodation options here. Students will indicate their housing preferences in the JKU Linz online application. 

Dorms on campus offer eating options, recreation areas and easy access to classrooms. Located just a 15-minute tram ride from the main square, students living on campus also have easy access to shopping, cafes and Austria's efficient train system.


ISEP Exchange students will receive a meal stipend based on the cost of living for students in Linz, which they can use to purchase groceries and cook meals in shared facilities. All ISEP students will be expected to budget for their meals accordingly, and can ask their ISEP Student Services Coordinator for tips, as well as check out ISEP's resources for Budgeting for Study Abroad


This program qualifies for the ISEP French and German Language Annette Kade Fund Scholarship. The scholarship awards $500 - $1,500 USD to students who are from a U.S. institution and studying French or German language in Austria, France, Germany, Reunion Island, or Switzerland. Learn more here!

Program Website

Course Description

As an ISEP student, you can build your own program by choosing your courses from a variety of fields. Use the notes for course searching to help you find which courses are available.

Innovative, inter-disciplinary programs in business, economics, technology and the social sciences are offered for students at all language levels and pre-session German courses are included in ISEP benefits. Economics and business administration, mathematics in industry, physics, polymer engineering and computer science are recommended for ISEP participants.

Semester Names - Please note the following term names when looking for courses at JKU Linz:

ISEP Spring Semester = JKU Sommersemester (SoSe)

ISEP Winter Semester = JKU Wintersemester (WiSe)

Website for Course Availability

ISEP STUDENT SERVICES OFFICER Sharlene Casado Garcia 703-567-0761 | Thank you for your interest in ISEP Study Abroad! I’m your Student Services Officer and main point of contact here at ISEP. As you search for programs, I’ll be available to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact me at any point in your search process for help, tips or advice.

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Founded in 1966, Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz is a modern, campus-style university with innovative interdisciplinary programs in business and technology, and a renowned center for computer research. The university is...


(in English)

Fields of Study

  • Business: Recommended!

    Business Management Economics Entrepreneurship International Business/Trade/Commerce Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management Marketing

  • Computer and Information Sciences: Recommended!

    Artificial Intelligence Computer Applications Programming

  • Engineering Recommended!

  • Mathematics

  • Physical Sciences: Recommended!

    Chemistry Physics Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

  • Social Sciences

Academic Requirements

  • U.S. GPA: 2.75 or higher
    *accepts lower GPA with explanation
  • LPR Required
  • LPR accepted as alternate to TOEFL or IELTS
  • LPR Writing Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Reading Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Listening Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Speaking Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • Number of language semesters completed 3
LPR = ISEP Language Proficiency Report

Special Needs Support

  • Mental Health
  • Mobility
  • Hearing
  • Visual
  • Speech
  • Learning

(in English)

Fields of Study

  • Business: Recommended!

    Business Management Economics Entrepreneurship International Business/Trade/Commerce Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management Management Information Systems Organizational Leadership

  • Computer and Information Sciences: Recommended!

    Artificial Intelligence Computer Applications Programming

  • Engineering

  • Mathematics


  • Physical Sciences: Recommended!

    Chemistry Physics

Academic Requirements

  • U.S. GPA: 2.75 or higher
    *accepts lower GPA with explanation
  • LPR Writing Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Reading Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Listening Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • LPR Speaking Score: B2 - Intermediate High-Advanced
  • Number of language semesters completed 3

Special Needs Support

  • Mental Health
  • Mobility
  • Hearing
  • Visual
  • Speech
  • Learning

Other Academic Conditions

Students are responsible for staying until the end of the semester and may not leave before the final date of their semester exams. Neither ISEP nor JKU Linz can guarantee an early departure; leaving early may result in a failing exam grade and/or forfeit of credit.

PASSPORT: All students must have a valid passport to participate in this program. If you do not have a valid passport, we suggest you start the application process as soon as possible. 

VISA/RESIDENCE PERMIT: Most students attending this program will be required to obtain a visa/residence permit. For more information on the process and estimated cost, please review the ISEP Country Handbook here.

Semester & Prices (based on your filters)

Select a semester to calculate the price. Semesters are named according to host university's calendar.

Loading Semester Data...

Semester Tuition

  • Priority Admissions Deadline: {{schedule.semester.semesterTranslation.displayPriorityDeadline}}
  • Chance of Placement: {{}}
  • Application Deadline: {{schedule.applicationDeadline}}
  • Average Classes Per Week: {{schedule.semester.classesPerWeek}}
  • Average Class Hours Per Week: {{schedule.semester.hoursPerWeek}}

Required Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} , accommodates dependents {{plan.housingPlan.url}}

Optional Expenses



University Deadline: {{child.studentDeadline | date:'longDate'}}

{{plan.housingPlan.getNumPeopleDisplay()}} {{plan.housingPlan.url}}
{{}} ,

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Linz, Austria



Select a Semester

Total: US$0



{{}} Options

Housing (Estimate) TBD Home University Housing Price (Included) Options

Meals (Estimate) Home University Meals Price Options

{{addonType}} US${{programScheduleCollection.selectedSchedule.selectedAddonDisplaySums[addonType]}} (Estimate) Options

ISEP Application Fee US$100

ISEP Acceptance Fee US$450


Program Deadlines
Chances of Placement: {{}}
Program added.View application
Program saved.View all
{{ programScheduleCollection.Message }}